Tag: compounding

  • How Significant is a 1% Difference in the Long Run?

    How Significant is a 1% Difference in the Long Run?

    Between one percent and ten percent gain, almost all of us will prefer a higher percentage gain in the shortest time possible. We are just tuned that way, always finding ways to cut corners. Just compare the following statements or headlines. Which one will entice your attention the most? a. Lose 10% body weight in…

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  • Compounding, Time and Patience

    Compounding, Time and Patience

    I’ve just completed reading Atomic Habits written by James Clear and planning to re-read again. This is by far the best self-improvements book I have read. To summarize, it’s about how habits are cultivated from the compounding effect of minuscule actions. I highly recommend this book as the system shared by the author can be…

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