Tag: mindset

  • Discount Rate is not Markup Rate. Why?

    Discount Rate is not Markup Rate. Why?

    Discount rate is not markup rate. To understand the difference between both rates, try answering the below two questions without thinking much about it. 1. What is the discount rate from RM6 to RM3?2. What is the markup rate from RM3 to RM6? I have asked these questions to my close friends and the majority…

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  • Which Comes First, Savings or Investment?

    Which Comes First, Savings or Investment?

    If your mindset is saving, you will always work for someone and save. Rich people do not focus on saving, they invest. Friend of mine Above quote is from a friend after reading my previous blog post on “How Much to Save?”. Personally, I agree with the statement, but I have a few objections on…

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