Tag: wage

  • Spending – From a Time Perspective

    Spending – From a Time Perspective

    Recently I was reading Naked Economics, authored by Charles Wheelan. On page 202, the author shared the below quote that got me thinking how spending can be measured from a time perspective. “Making money takes time, so when we shop, we’re really spending time. The real cost of living isn’t measured in dollars and cents…

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  • Sticky Prices: The Reason “Harga Barang Tak Turun”

    Sticky Prices: The Reason “Harga Barang Tak Turun”

    In Bahasa Malaysia (BM): Kenapa harga barang tak turun? In English: Why the prices of goods are not falling? For some reason, asking this question in BM has more oomph! Maybe I’m imagining the tone used. Anyway, next time whenever you hear politicians, friends, colleagues, family members or even you complain “kenapa harga barang tak…

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